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Sunday School
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Children’s Sunday School at the CoOp!

Your children are welcome here! We love the sound and energy of children. Our goal is to integrate our children and youth into our worship services on Sundays.

Choose the options that work best for your family

We have a Sunday School program during the 10 am service for our elementary-aged kids. Children are dismissed with their teacher after the announcements and opening worship song, and then they return in time to share in communion.

You will find an activity table for little ones, as well as coloring pages and a kids’ sermon notes page available if your children would like to stay with you throughout the service.

Matthew 19:14

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

Jr. & Sr. High

We have teamed up with other local churches to offer an excellent youth group experience on Sunday nights for our Jr. High and High School aged youth. Weekly youth group, Pizza nights, Game nights, Service trips, and much more.

You can find out more about the team and all of the activities at the McMinnville Youth Collective Facebook page. 

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